Luisa Santos

CAmpaign Fellowship

Campaign Fellowship


Are you passionate about making a difference and keen on diving into the heart of American democracy and local politics? If yes, the Luisa Santos Campaign Fellowship is calling your name! This isn’t just any internship; it’s your backstage pass to the exciting world of grassroots campaigning.

As a fellow, you’ll get hands-on experience in a bunch of cool areas like researching important issues, crafting your writing skills, strategizing on the political battlefield, organizing events that buzz with energy, and even building up your own communications portfolio.

We’re on the lookout for enthusiastic team players who are ready to stand up for the next generation and make a real impact in areas like education policy and promoting diversity and equity. If you’re all about pushing for change and want to get the real scoop on how campaigns grow from the ground up, we’d love to hear from you!

Interested? Dive in and explore the opportunities we’ve got lined up for you by clicking the buttons below. Let’s dare to dream bigger together!


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